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Vallières is located in Haiti’s Nord-EstDeparment. In the Vallières Arrondissement, it is a municipality and its seat of government. It is a third order administrative division.

Vallières, municipality of the North-East Department, is very poorly equipped in Infrastructures. It is an interior commune, its dominant relief is the mountains and its climate is considered normal. It has six extension zones. The inhabitants of Vallières commune are called Vallianais. In 1998 the population of Vallières Commune was 15,458. For an area of ​​157.87 km2 its density was 98 inhabitants / km2.

Vallières is one of the poorest communes in the department in terms of economic infrastructure. Agriculture, livestock and trade are the main economic activities of the municipality. A lot of people living in Vallieres are farmers. Their survival depends a lot on the produce obtained from farming. Deforestation has had negative effects in the area, and the tree plantation at the nurseries has helped in curbing the negative effects of this.

A lot of effort is being put in to teach farmers methods of using better practices in farming, pest control, usage of organic fertilizer and crop rotation so that more revenue can be earned in the process. The commercial exchanges are mainly with the communes of Mombin-Crochu, Perches, Acul-du-Nord, Fort-Liberté and Ouanaminthe.

Education The Ministry of National Education of Youth and Sports is represented in the Commune by a school inspection office. Four kindergarten, sixteen primary schools including five public, eight private and three Congregational were inventoried in the commune. There is also a public high school and two technical and vocational centers.

Health The Ministry of Public Health and Population is not represented in the municipality of Vallières. A dispensary with an auxiliary, two dozen certified matrons and a laboratory technicin, have been inventoried in the Commune.

Utilities The Municipality of Vallières has four rivers and two springs that are collected and distributed. At the time of the inventory, the Municipality of Vallières was not electrified.

Security With regard to the administrative and judicial infrastructures, the municipality of Vallières has a police station with ten policemen, a court of peace and a registry office.

Religion There are several churches in the Commune. The number of Baptist churches are revealed to be more numerous (11 in total).

Communication At the time of survey, this commune had no telephone. The postal service exists and the distribution of mail is done on foot. The commune has a radio station, however, it has neither newspaper / magazine nor television station.

Leisure As for Culture and Leisure, the town has no library, museum, theater nor cinema. Football (soccer) is the only sport practiced in the municipality. In addition, there are eight gaguères that complete the meager places of entertainment and recreation of the inhabitants of the town.

Cultural Heritage There are two caves and a fort (Fort Salnave) respectively located in Mayombé (Three Palms) and the locality of Salnave.