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Carice Vallieres

Carice, one of the thirteen communes of the Northeast Department, was elevated to the rank of commune in 1950. She has two communal sections. The Municipality of Carice is an interior municipality, its dominant relief is the plain and its climate is cool. Its inhabitants bear the name of Caricie. The population of the municipality of Carice was estimated at 11 871 inhabitants in 1998. In 2015, the population of this municipality reached approximately 13 000 inhabitants. For an area of ​​114.86 km2, its density was 103 inhabitants / km2.

Economically and financially, the municipality of Carice is very poorly endowed. There are no banks, hotels, or gas stations.

Carice is a rural area without as many sources of livelihood as in cities and industrialized towns. This is why people rely on agriculture for their main livelihood. Farmers in the town mostly harvest mangoes, bananas and coffee, which are considered the main and most popular products in the area.

Though agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the town, deforestation is still common. As a matter of fact, deforestation affected the soil quality in the town. Despite this, however, the production of crops remains and continues to support people’s livelihood.

Deforestation is not the only problem that the town faces when it comes to agriculture. Floods also provide a challenge to farmers. The climate in Carice ranges from tropical hot to wet. During rainy season, floods occur in parts of the town, affecting crops production.

Transportation: Aside from crop production woes, floods also affect the transportation in the area. Roads become impassable during floods and river banks are damaged. Because of this, residents often walk and use donkeys to go around the town.

When it comes to air travel, people in Carice have to go to Port-au-Princeor Cap-Haïtien International Airport for a flight.

Education: The Ministry of National Education of Youth and Sports is not represented in the Municipality of Carice. A kindergarten, 2 public primary schools, private and two of congregational type have been inventoried in the Commune. In addition, at secondary level, there are two secondary schools (one public and one private).

Utilities and Communication: The municipality of Carice has three rivers, 24 springs and 17 lagoons. In addition, public fountains equipped with seven taps and one pump were inventoried in the commune. At the time of the inventory, the municipality of Carice was not electrified, there was no telephone.The postal office exists only in the city. The Municipality of Carice has no radio station, newspaper / magazine or television station.

Security: With regard to the administrative and judicial infrastructures, the commune has one police station, a court of peace and a registry office.

Religion: In the field of religion, about ten churches (chapels and temples included) have been inventoried in the Municipality of Carice.

Leisure: As for Leisure, the municipality of Carice has no library, museum, or movie theater. The parish hall serves as a theater room. Football (soccer) and volley ball, despite the lack of appropriate terrain are the sports practiced in the municipality. There is a field for football, but, it is in poor condition. There are also eleven gaguères and a public square in the town.